Sunday, January 15, 2012

snowboarding crow


christopher said...

Pretty darn cool!

Charles said...

I love crows. One time an old dog of mine disappeared, got spooked in a thunderstorm. I couldn't find her anywhere, I was worried sick. I was convinced she had to be somewhere in the wood lot next door, a property that is now being developed and isn't really a woodlot anymore...the guy has that black vinyl fencing all around the perimeter, the kind that prevents runoff. So I'm out there tromping around and this crow is in the top of a tree down by the road, being very raucous, hollering his head off. Figuring he's talking to me I go walking over there - and there's Gypsy, scrunched up between the fence and the base of the tree! Maybe he wasn't talking to me specifically, but he was signaling there was something wrong, like there was a disturbance in the Force or something. Now when I feed the birds I make sure I feed the crows too. :)

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